Forex Advertising Agency

A gateway to quality Forex advertisements
Below is the list of quality Forex websites which offer advertising opportunities:

(How do we measure the quality of a Forex website?)

Description: Forex bonuses, promotions, contests - everything about the best deals in the Forex industry.
Pageviews:156 000 / month
Visitors:25 000 / month
CPM rate:$3.72 - $9.94
Forex advertising
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728x90 header$1550/monthSold out for 2024
250x250 top left$1020/monthSold out for 2024
250x250 mid left$920/monthSold. Available on July 1, 2024
250x250 top right$1020/monthSold out for 2024
250x250 mid right$920/monthAvailable now
728x90 footer$580/monthAvailable now
250x250 mid-low left$820/monthAvailable now
250x250 mid-low right$820/monthAvailable now

Description: Forex trading strategies and systems revealed: free access, hundreds of pages of unique educational material, explanations of trading methods, market analysis for traders of all levels.
Pageviews:170 000 / month
Visitors:44 000 / month
CPM rate:$0.00 - to be updated
Forex advertising
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728x90 title header$850/monthAvailable now
250x180 header #1$650/monthAvailable now
250x180 header #2$650/monthAvailable now
250x250 sidebar #3$520/monthAvailable now
250x250 sidebar #4$520/monthAvailable now
250x250 sidebar #5$450/monthAvailable now
250x250 sidebar #6$450/monthAvailable now

Description: Forex Indicators Guide with popular trend, momentum, volume indicators as well as custom MT4 indicators explained.
Pageviews:42 000 / month
Visitors:14 000 / month
CPM cost:$3.57 - $10.71
Forex advertising
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420x170 header$450/monthAvailable now
728x90 title header$450/monthAvailable now
250x250 sidebar top$300/monthAvailable now
250x500 large sidebar$250/monthAvailable now
728x90 footer$150/monthAvailable now

Description: Forex Brokers Search and Comparison. Most advanced Wizard - built by traders for traders.
Pageviews:entry level / month
Visitors:entry level / month
CPM rate:$0 (entry level - sponsorship)
Forex advertising
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728x90 header$525/month introductory offerSold. Available on October 22, 2024
250x250 top left$275/month introductory offerSold. Available on October 22, 2024
250x250 top right$275/month introductory offerSold. Available on October 22, 2024
#1 Featured Top listing$700/month introductory offerAvailable now
#1 Featured Top listing$600/month introductory offerAvailable now
#1 Featured Top listing$500/month introductory offerSold. Available on October 22, 2024

Description: Live monitoring of Forex Market Hours. Traders can follow active trading sessions as well as learn about the best currency pairs to trade during each session.
Pageviews:48 700 / month
Visitors:37 600 / month
CPM rate:$4.17 - $11.42
Forex advertising
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468x60 header$550/monthAvailable now
160x600 left sidebar$300/monthAvailable now
160x600 right sidebar$300/monthAvailable now
468x60 footer$200/monthAvailable now

6 websites "Multi-site offer"

Description: It's an opportunity to advertise on 6 websites at once and take advantage of:
a) covering a number of different Forex topics at once;
b) promoting with the top sites that retain #1 - #2 rank in the Google Search for the targeted keywords: forex tips, forex fibonacci, forex trend line etc.)
c) getting a better price offer for multi-site advertising.

The "Multi-site offer" is available for any 6 sites from the list:
Pageviews:40 000 / month
Visitors:19 500 / month
CPM rate:$7.50 - $12.00
Forex advertising
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468x60 header$480/monthAvailable now
160x600 left$435/monthAvailable now
160x600 right$435/monthAvailable now
468x60 footer$300/monthAvailable now

Description: Fibonacci trading method explained. Facts, tips and formulas. Online Fibonacci calculator.
Pageviews:16 000 / month
Visitors:7500 / month
CPM rate:$10 - $15
Forex advertising
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468x60 header$250/monthAvailable now
160x600 sidebar left$200/monthAvailable now
160x600 sidebar right$200/monthAvailable now
468x60 footer$160/monthAvailable now

Description: Helping new traders to learn Forex trading by answering all questions about Forex.
Pageviews:11 000 / month
Visitors:5700 / month
CPM rate:$10.9 - $15
Forex advertising
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300x250 text box$250/monthAvailable now
160x600 sidebar left$200/monthAvailable now
160x600 sidebar right$200/monthAvailable now
728x90 footer$150/monthAvailable now

Description: Trading rules and tactics of a successful money management in Forex. Forex leverage and margin explained. Interactive online Risk & Money management Calculators.
Pageviews:8000 / month
Visitors:3000 / month
CPM rate:$8.13 - $13.75
Forex advertising
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468x60 header$110/monthAvailable now
160x600 sidebar left$110/monthAvailable now
160x600 sidebar right$110/monthAvailable now
468x60 footer$65/monthAvailable now

Description: Forex trading tips and advice from experienced traders. Extra tips for a better performance.
Pageviews:9000 / month
Visitors:4000 / month
CPM rate:$11 - $17
Forex advertising
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468x60 header$160/monthAvailable now
160x600 left sidebar$125/monthAvailable now
160x600 right sidebar$125/monthAvailable now
468x60 footer$100/monthAvailable now

Description: Informative and education-oriented website regards financial markets.
Pageviews: / month
Visitors: / month
CPM rate:$
Forex advertising
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728x90 top banner$300/monthAvailable now
250x250 sidebar top banner$200/monthAvailable now

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